Thursday 22 October 2009

la roux









i just fell in love with la roux !! ;)) i'm so in love with what Elly Jackson's wearing. pity other band's personnels. always Elly Jackson who's caught by the camera. La Roux (pronounced /la'ru:/). band's name originates from Elly's red hair and French heritage: la roux means "redhead" or "red stuff".

Wednesday 14 October 2009

missing them tremendously

blink 182

no matter what !! until now, i can only meet Tom DeLonge in my dreams ! hahahaha !! yes blink, we really really missing u here!! hoping u guys can come to Indonesia next year !! AMIEN !! entar travis gua kasi antimo aja biar ga mabok pas di pesawat ! LOL

Tuesday 13 October 2009

showing some appreciation


for ally raleen a.k.a alviana kalin ! i wanna say many thanks for u ! thanks for editing my photo and making it so vintage ! :))

i also love this one, she's making with Indonesia amazeness theme !


btw, u can check her other artworks by clicking this url

welcoming my self to the college life

hellow ! seperti kata teman baikku yang sekarang agak sedikit freak si puput. untuk semua yg lulus angkatan taun 2009. yes, we're a freshmen for this year. kalo buat gua seh, ga juga freshmen di college, tapi juga untuk dunia blogger ini. secara ini post pertama gua. wahahah !! but, i feel so excited ! and i'm writing this post at 11:40 pm while tomorrow i'll having morning class at 7 am, superb !
gua sendiri ambil jurusan ilmu komunikasi dan berencana ambil broadcasting. uda hampir 2 minggu ngampus, kalo di itung sama ospek dan masih awam banget dan suka nyasar kalo nyari ruangan di ibii. wahaha ! kalo temen2 yg laen mah uda pada uts kali yah ! lha gua masih nyante banget ni ! kalo lagi di kelas, ampunn deh ngantukk banget-bangetan, jaman sekolah dulu, 1 pelajaran cuma 45minit. lha kalo kuliah bisa sampe 3 jam !! buat temen2 yg suka cengin gua kalo dulu gua bilang gua masup ibii, ibii enak kok ! wehehehehe !! gua cuma kuliah selama seminggu cuma masup 4 hari, dengan jam masup untuk sehari-harinya selain hari rabu jam 10 terus.
untuk ukm (unit kegiatan mahasiswa) di ibii di harusin ikut minimal satu di luar ukm kerohanian, jah tapi gua daftar sampe 5 ukm. dan ngabisin duit sampe 68rebu buat daftar2 di ukm pas di ukm fair pas masih masa pkk (pekan keakraban kampus) atau ospek. wahahaha !! EH TAPI JUJURNYA MAH GUA MAUNYA LIBUR TERUS YA !!